To: (FOIA liaison in your regional HUD office, see below)

From: (your name and organization if applicable)


RE: (Subject of request, ex. Main Street Apartments or Joe Smith’s HAP Contracts)



Under the Freedom of Information Act, we kindly request (Name the document(s) and describe in detail what you need. Include the year you are interested in, locations if applicable, names and all other information that will help to identify the document you are looking for)


Thank you for your assistance.



(Your name, title and organization)

(Your full address)

(Phone number)


Tips and more information:

  1. To find the name and address for your FOIA liaison, go to this link and search for HUD. Find your regional office, and address your letter for the liaison listed.
  2. HUD charges fees for processing requests, though only if they are greater than $25. They will automatically notify you if this is the case. Learn more here.
  3. HUD may deny your request. If they do, you have a right to appeal. Learn more here.