CLJ is engaged in broad-based community and multi-faith organizing with the goal of building enough relational power to bring about systemic justice in Greater Hartford.
The golden rule of organizing is to never do for others what they can do for themselves.
CLJ organizers support leaders in identifying, researching, and taking action on issues that impact them. This is concrete action. Below outlines the normal steps of an organizing campaign.

- Individual Meetings: Individual meetings are the fundamental building blocks of organizing together. It is an opportunity for two souls to connect face-to-face.
- House Meetings: 60-90 minute conversations with 7-9 people led by a leader. This is an opportunity for people to deepen relationship, engage one another, and together imagine how to improve our neighborhood and city. Effective house meetings are built around good storytelling: stories that illustrate people’s deepest concerns and stir us to action.
- Research & Cutting Issues: Common issues that arise from the house meetings are then researched and cut into campaigns that are specific and resolvable.
- Action & Evaluation: We hold structured public actions where leaders and organizers confront decision makers capable of effecting desired change.
At the heart of CLJ’s leadership development through organizing initiative is on-going training for potential leaders. Training happens individually, in groups, and in classes.
CLJ, then the Christian Activities Council, launched its first four week leadership and organizing training program at the end of 2015. The training is designed to teach participants the basic skills of organizing for justice. Participants are identified by CLJ’s organizers who spend their days in individual meetings with residents listening to their stories and identifying those who have a spark of passion for their community.
Once a group of 10-12 potential leaders have been identified, they are invited into the leadership training. In this training series we teach:
- How to build relationships in the community through individual meetings
- How to build and analyze power
- How to identity issues that can be addressed and won
- How organizing is different from movements, mobilizing, and civic associations.
- The training culminates with participants learning how to hold house meetings where they gather small groups of people in their home to learn what issues are most impacting their life. What’s keeping their neighbors up at night? What is weighing them down? What are they angry about?
CLJorganizing staff then accompanies these leaders through the process of holding house meetings where issues are identified and this is the way our organizing priorities get established.
The training is four weeks, but it is just the beginning of a long term relationship with the leaders who emerge.
Contact one of our organizers below at 860-527.9860
Cori Mackey, Executive Director/Organizer
Pat Speer, Mentor Organizer
Rev. A.J. Johnson, Lead Organizer