The following organizations are dues paying members of the Greater Hartford Interfaith Action Alliance representing over 15,000 individuals.  Their support (financial, spiritual, and through leadership development) has made GHIAA into a powerful organization for social change.

  1.  Asylum Hill Congregational Church, UCC, Hartford
  2.  Beth El Temple, West Hartford
  3.  Beth Sholom B’nai Israel, Manchester
  4.  B’nai Tikvoh-Sholom, Bloomfield
  5. Center Church, UCC, Hartford
  6. Center for Leadership and Justice, Hartford
  7. Christ the King Catholic Parish, Wethersfield
  8. Church of Christ, Congregational, Newington
  9. Collaborative Center for Justice, Hartford
  10. Concordia Lutheran Church, Manchester
  11. Congregation Beth Israel, West Hartford
  12. Congregation P’nai Or, West Hartford
  13. Congregational Church in South Glastonbury, UCC
  14. Emanuel Lutheran Church, Hartford
  15. Faith Congregational Church, Hartford
  16. Faith Seventh Day Adventist, Hartford
  17. Farmington Valley Jewish Congregation, Emek Shalom, Simsbury
  18. First Church of Christ, UCC, Glastonbury
  19. First Church of Christ, UCC, Simsbury
  20. First Church of Christ, UCC, West Hartford
  21. First Presbyterian Church, Hartford
  22. Flagg Road, UCC, West Hartford
  23. Franciscan Center for Urban Ministry, Hartford
  24. Grace Lutheran Church, Hartford
  25. Hartford Monthly Meeting (Quakers), West Hartford
  26. Immanuel Congregational Church, UCC, Hartford
  27. Islamic Association of Greater Hartford, Berlin
  28. Jewish Community Relations Council
  29. Kehilat Chaverim
  30. Ministerio Nueva Creación, East Hartford
  31. Muslim Coalition of CT
  32. New Antioch Missionary Baptist, Hartford
  33. New Covenant United Methodist Church, East Hartford
  34. North End Power Team, Hartford
  35. North United Methodist Church, Hartford
  36. Office of the Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus, Archdiocese of Hartford
  37. Riverfront Family Church, Hartford
  38. Rocky Hill Congregational Church
  39. Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, Simsbury
  40. St. John’s Episcopal Church, Vernon
  41. St. Monica’s Episcopal Church, Hartford
  42. St. Patrick- St. Anthony Roman Catholic Church, Hartford
  43. Temple Sinai, Newington
  44. Trinity Episcopal Church, Hartford
  45. Trinity Lutheran Church, Vernon
  46. Unitarian Society of Hartford
  47. Unitarian Universalist Society: East, Manchester
  48. United Methodist Church, Hartford
  49. Universalist Church of West Hartford
  50. Urban Hope Refuge, Hartford
  51. West Hartford United Methodist Church
  52. Westminster Presbyterian Church, West Hartford

Congregations interested in pursuing GHIAA membership are encourage to reach out to Mentor Organizer Pat Speer for more information.