
MIRA Press Conference 

On May 15, GHIAA leaders and lawmakers gathered in front of the former MIRA trash-to-energy site to celebrate the passing of legislation this session that will end trash hauling subsidies for 23 towns that still remain with MIRA. The bill calls for the subsidies to end in 2 years and the $6 million spent between now and then to be reimbursed by state bonding. GHIAA won new governance for MIRA in 2023 and has continued to advocate to preserve the funding in MIRA reserves to go towards a proper clean-up of the site.

This is an important change in the long-standing pattern of environmental racism in Greater Hartford. Waste management is a regional problem that requires a regional solution. We are grateful for the bill language introduced by Hartford Mayor Arunan Arulampalam but also heed Senator John Fonfara’s warning that there is still a long way to go to ensure that the property is remediated.

GHIAA Campaign Launch and Update 2023

One December 7, 2022 GHIAA welcomed over 750 members in-person to launch our new issue campaigns!

Watch the launch on the right and hear the updates (on the left) on how GHIAA’s education, environmental justice, housing, mental health, and gun violence prevention campaigns faired in the 2023 legislative session. 

Anti-racism is the heart of our work.

The Center for Leadership and Justice recognizes that the only true way to live out our mission “to develop leaders who act collectively for social justice in Greater Hartford” is to commit fully to being an antiracist institution. This antiracism commitment influences how we hire, structure organizational leadership, do business, and importantly how we organize.

On October 28, 2019, 1500+ people from 35 multi-faith congregations and allied institutions gathered to launch the Greater Hartford Interfaith Action Alliance (GHIAA).


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